Crisis of Idealism: A Space Opera

The World is destroy. Nearly a thousand years later a sinister plot that could destroy all faith in a transcendental power is revealed. Will Good prevail, or will Evil gain power?

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

An Author's Note

I feel it is time for me to interject the story and punctuate a few things.
1)This story is by and large UNEDITED - all spelling and grammatical errors are left as is for now (corrected on second draft on my computer)
2)For some reason, maybe because I'm making it up in a rush job, some events are out of place or numbers do not stay consistant. I know about this, I noticed them. When I'm writing, I can usually go back and change them, however, the sheer volume of writing I do in one day with this project is beyond what I normally do (with the occasional 2,500+ word day being 'very productive') normally these inconsistancies don't turn up, but for some reason, with this story, I can't keep my own facts straight.
3)It's a pile of crap. I know. It's meant to be. If Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson can publish the Butlerian Jihad trilogy, I can write this drivel. Allow me my indulgence.
4)The story doesn't match the description! You can say that, I know it looks like a futuristic Robinson Crueso... give it time. The plot is building up to an important shift.

I apologise for the spelling, I know its pretty rough in some patches.


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