Crisis of Idealism: A Space Opera

The World is destroy. Nearly a thousand years later a sinister plot that could destroy all faith in a transcendental power is revealed. Will Good prevail, or will Evil gain power?

Saturday, December 03, 2005

What's next?

I suppose it prudent to mentiont that I have started the dreaded re-write of this novel. Its going to be a lot different. The focalisation of the narrative is going to shift awat from Jonathan for a large part of the story, and I'm introducing two new sub-plots. Well, okay, one, but the other one exists only breifly in this version. It'll be pulled out and expanded. Oh, and, Captain Fortworth and Grinder will become the same person... Just to make my job that much more difficult. you'll barely recognise the new version. I've already written an entierly new "chapter" that takes place during the decade Jonathan is stuck on his planet alone.


At December 7, 2005 at 9:38:00 AM EST, Blogger gaidin samurai said...

Like, oh my god, you pop back up one year later?!? haha.

Great stuff, man, hope you managed to win 2005's NaNoWriMo as well.

At June 22, 2006 at 12:57:00 AM EDT, Blogger James said...

yes spam! Spam comments, i love you.


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