Crisis of Idealism: A Space Opera

The World is destroy. Nearly a thousand years later a sinister plot that could destroy all faith in a transcendental power is revealed. Will Good prevail, or will Evil gain power?

Saturday, October 30, 2004


I aksed a few of my friends if they wanted to try this novel writing thing too.

Three said yes.

Friday, October 29, 2004

In the beginning...

the way this is going to go down is thus:
Character A is either supposedly the first person to travel faster then light away form Earth, or is in fact just the first person to do that and end up in a particular system. He quickly discovers that he is not alone in this system. There is a fully human colony settlement on one of the planets. This is teh culture of the Idealists. A basic principal about philosophy is that once you can prove your theory, it ceases being philosophy and becomes science. The Idealists have proved Idealism to be true. The physical universe, in fact, does not exist. And yet, these people have not chosen to transcend beyond it. As yet, I don't know why. So, in typical Space Opera format, something breaks on Character A's spaceship, and he cannot go home. The Idealists take him into their society, but it does not take Character A long to realise that there is something not quite right in what appears on the surface to be a Utopia.
Enter Character B. She is an Idealist who has lost her faith in the proof of idealism, and thus lost her idealist powers (this wil be explained in the body text of the novel). She accidently triggers a counter-movement against the Idealists by the fallen Idealists... let's call them Realists.
In true Space Opera form, Character A and Character B cross paths and things start to happen, and they are drawn into a plot thousands of years old that involves God Himself.
Battles will be fought, the universe will be torn asunder, and in the end, what will remain? we'll see, fifty-thousand words down the line.

A novel Idea: Introduction

As part of the NaNoWriMo contest, I'll be writing a space opera called Crisis of Idealism: A Space Opera on this blog. I can't actually start until Novemeber 1st, but I CAN lay out the plot. I'm sorry if you want to be surprised by a serial, but there is going to be a lot of content going up here every day for the next month, and it might seem kinda directionless at times, so I'm going to give you a bit of a head start.
First and foremost, this is, as the title suggests, a Space Opera. An epic sweeping planets and ignoring physics.
But, the intergalactic war hasn't started yet. And in point of fact, it doesn't until near the end, but, well, you'll see.
The main theme is Idealism, as is suggested also by the title. I had to think up a title on the spot, I'll admit its pretty lame, but its functional. And its a working title, right? The problem with Idealism is, not everybody understands it, if they even recognise the word. So I endever to explain it to you... as is my job as a writer.
Idealism is a metaphysical theory (Metaphysical? uh-oh... it's a branch of philosophy that, in part, studies the way the world is) that states that the world does not exist. Only our perceptions exist inside our minds. the Physical world is bunk, minds exist and that's it. Then why do we all preceive the same things at the same time? how come my rose isn't your trash bin (to borrow an example from Peter van Inwagen's Metaphysics)? The explination is thus: God controlls our perceptions and co-ordinates them all. This is a simplified version, of course, but it gets the message across.
If you ever have any questions/comments/criticisms, I encourage you to comment on my most recent post.
The catch with this space opera is thus: it'll have everything that other space operas have, intruige, battles, deep characters, love stories, everything, but it will also argue in favour and against the Idealist philosophy. I don't even pretend to be an expert on it, but I can dream.
I'm sure there was something else I wanted to post on my introduction, but I can't remember now. Ah well...

current word count: 0/50,000
Days left: 30